Choose You Whole Body Wellness
It’s time to choose you! The Choose You podcast is hosted by Jessica “Rockstar” Thompson. Jessica is a Veteran of the United States Air Force, a successful entrepreneur, mother, and all-around Rockstar. This podcast is dedicated to helping you improve your whole-body wellness which includes mental, physical, and emotional health. If you’re a busy mom over the age of 40 looking to lose weight, receive workout tips, get meal prep help, or just improve your overall quality of life, this is the show for you!
Choose You Whole Body Wellness
Life Maintenance Tips!
Jessica Thompson
Season 1
Episode 91
In today’s episode, I will share some tips on the importance of life maintenance and things you can do to maintain a stable lifestyle amid chaos. Speaking of chaos…this episode comes from one of my recent FB Lives, so please excuse the background noise. This episode also features my most special guest to date! Check it out!
Be sure to subscribe for fresh new episodes.
Let’s connect:
Instagram: @chooseyouweightlossandfitness
Facebook: Jessica Baker Thompson
Try New U Life Products Here: https://chooseyounow.newulife.com
Check out Rockstar Mindset on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHU2-Ybq6xTAQN9_fCowcJg/videos
***Email me at rockstarjesst@gmail.com for bonus content and other perks!***